The Human Rights issue I am choosing is The Right to Play. Throughout the world, there are numerous issues consisting of world hunger, poverty, lack or this or that. Well lack of play is what concerns me. The reason why I choose this topic is because I believe it is important that not only children, but adults are getting the leisure they need to better function in their daily lives. Living from day to day seems to get harder because what matters to people mostly is that they need to work to make money so they have food to eat & a roof over their head. Also to support whomever is living in that household. We become so used to trying to make a living that we forget what it’s like to play & have fun versus being burdened by chores. We forget the feeling play & leisure gives to us. We forget that the right to play is what makes us come back stronger. People are so focused on their dreams that they don’t realize how much play has an effect on us.
We see children being mistreated because they didn’t eat their PB&J sandwich. Maybe they didn’t want to eat because they wanted their parent to give them attention & play some games together. When people interact in games, it builds bond & trust, takes teamwork, & works the mind effectively. When I say works the mind effectively, I mean, learning games for instance, helps us with memory & we can then use the time to play by reflecting back. We can look over in our minds, ways to better whatever the situation was before. As children, we shouldn’t be worrying about things adults do. It’s only natural that a child plays, a child smiles, a child learns, a child thinks. At the time of mistreatment, people often forget that children are the next generation & they do determine the outcome of their valuable lives. Children should be nourished with education & the right to play because they are indeed the future. They are the future scientists, the inventors, advocates who will run this country after us. So it should be in our best interest to care for these children.
As for adults, we can literally lose our minds when working & worrying too much. We lose memory & sadly, common sense. We sometimes forget the things we’ve always known. We don’t work our minds as often as we’d secretly please. We sometimes don’t have time to play, or have a peace of mind. That’s why when we have jobs that we are guaranteed to keep, we should ensure that every single employee have paid vacation to take their mind off things for a little while, & possibly for once, but even better if a few times a year. That one time, people don’t know, has complete power & ability to a person’s actions. We act from our minds right? Then we should definitely nourish our minds. How do we make sure we are getting what we need? What are some effective ways to cleanse our minds?
Positive & alive communications should be distributed to people of all ages. We need proper development to properly function. We live in such a fast-paced life, when is there time to speak of critical situations? Having a pleasant conversation even fuels the mind. Play is essential.
In the international Human Rights law, it states that we have the Right to Play. In all honesty & respect, I believe that in the UDHR, almost all the articles in some way protect our right to leisure. When we play, where we play, we are free. Leisure is free. To practice it, we must obey certain rules even when we are being open. To be specific, number 24 under the UDHR protects our right to play. Just like all other laws, we must not harm one. There are certain restrictions as to where we play & how we play.
In the Bill of Rights, it says that we have the right to education. The right to play can fall under that statement. To make education effective, having physical & mind games are crucial to one’s development.
“All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy” –The Shining, Stanley Kubrick